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July/August 2018

In this issue:


July/August 2018 coverGLORY DAYS: PART II. In this issue we continue the free-wheeling conversation (see May/June for Part I) in which seven veterans of VVA’s 1983 Founding Convention describe their memories of that seminal event and the events that led up to it, particularly the metamorphosis from a lobbying body into the membership organization it is today. [on the cover]Glory Days: VVA’s Founding Chambers

Illustration ©Vivian RathfonVVA’S WAR TO WIN JUDICIAL REVIEW: Former VVA President Mary Stout recalls the strategies VVA employed to win the right of judicial review for all veterans, despite opposition from the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the other VSOs.

THE BATTLE FOR VETERAN-CENTRIC HEALTH CARE: Higher rates of prostate cancer among Vietnam veterans mean warnings aimed at the general public may not accurately reflect the danger to the Agent Orange-affected generation of veterans.

Photo: Gregory McNamee A POD & A PROGRAM: Greg McNamee discusses a new idea in the handling of veterans in Arizona. The Pinal County Sheriff’s Office has instituted a “veterans pod” mimicking the familiarities of military life—right down to the cammies.

The LC in the Desert: Welcome to Palm Springs
What to see, where to eat.

Photo: Mokie Pratt Porterporter MEETING THE FORMER ENEMY: The Veterans Initiative’s most recent delegation to Vietnam builds upon a quarter century of meetings with both their counterparts in Vietnamese veterans groups and U.S. Government personnel in Vietnam.

Parting ShotParting Shot


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University of Florida Smathers Libraries
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-Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter 1046:
Shooting For Success

-Liberty’s 51-Year Cover-Up

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VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us