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May/June 2018

In this issue:


January/February 2018 coverGLORY DAYS: VVA’S FOUNDING CONVENTION. Seven veterans of VVA’s 1983 Founding Convention met over dinner to reminisce about that seminal event that reshaped VVA and launched it on a fuller and broader mission as a membership organization. The first installment of their free-wheeling conversation appears in this issue of The VVA Veteran. [on the cover]
Glory Days: VVA’s Founding Chambers

Activity & Ability: How Physical Therapy Can Restore Quality of LifeACTIVITY & ABILITY. Claudia Gary explains how physical therapy is being practiced within the VA and how it can restore quality of life. Special emphasis is given to alleviating pain while avoiding potentially addictive opioid-based painkillers.

Operation Meade River: The Marine Corps’ Response To TetOPERATION MEADE RIVER: THE MARINE CORPS’ RESPONSE TO TET. Former Marine combat correspondent and Operation Meade River participant Robert T. Jordan chronicles that 1968 offensive—the largest helicopter-borne combat operation in Marine Corps history.

-Reports of Working Groups I & II

Parting ShotParting Shot

Operation Meade River/NARA photo


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University of Florida Smathers Libraries
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A National HonorA National Honor: A new memorial at Arlington. chapter 301A Stitch in Time: Louisiana’s Kaye Lessard’s quilts raffled.
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VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us