Vietnam Veterans of America
The VVA Veteran® Online
May/June 2016

In this issue:

“Where were you between the hours of 1 and 8 p.m. on April 13, 1967? Some of us were on a Vietnamese junk, adrift on the South China Sea, stranded ten miles from friendly forces and four hundred yards from Charlie’s home.”
VVA’s Ben Nation writes with humor about a humanitarian effort gone wrong.
[read more] [on the cover]

Illustration: Travis King

Photo: Michael KeatingTHE CHOW DOCTRINE: Faced with myriad challenges over his 50-plus year career, the one thing Ed Chow doesn’t seem to know is the meaning of the word “can’t.” Xande Anderer profiles the former VVA vice president who became the Maryland Secretary for Veterans Affairs. [more]

Illustration: Paula Goodman KozMcNAMARA’S MORONS: Salvaging the Deficient for the War Effort VVA’s Hamilton Gregory, author of the new book, McNamara’s Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War, writes about Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s Project 100,000 and its disastrous effects on the military and on the disabled men it dragged into service. [more]

CONTAMINATION & BETRAYAL: The Continuing Saga of Camp Lejeune’s Toxic Water Richard Currey first broke the story of the water contamination at Camp Lejeune in the pages of The VVA Veteran twelve years ago. We asked Currey to revisit the story and report on what has—and has not—been done to fix the problem at Camp Lejeune and care for its victims. [more]

National Archives and Records AdministrationNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Archives and Records Administration

Photo: Mokie PorterTHEIR SPIRITS WILL LIVE: Tran Van Ban and the Veterans Initiative Grant Coates writes about his emotional meeting with Dr. Ban attempting to reconcile Veterans Initiative case files with the author’s journals detailing his postwar quest to recover the dead. [more]

Photo: Lee Bach PhanRobert Stone: A Folger Shakespeare Library tribute. Photo: Michael KeatingCommendations: Three awarded the organization’s highest honor.
The VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
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