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September/October 2017

In this issue:


July/August 2017 coverBUILDING A LEGACY: The September/October issue of The VVA Veteran celebrates VVA’s future while examining ways to preserve the legacy of Vietnam veterans. Three features discuss Vietnam War education programs: One describes a Texas State Council pilot program for use in middle schools. The others highlight long-term programs developed by the Rochester, N.Y., and Delaware Valley, Pa., chapters that bring members into local classrooms.

Two features concentrate on oral histories. Phil Napoli of Brooklyn College discusses their significance and outlines the basics for those wishing to start a program. Amber Clifford, director of the McClure Archive at the University of Central Missouri, describes how veterans’ oral histories are collected and preserved there. Finally, Chapter 542 issues a Legacy Challenge to fellow VVA chapters. [on the cover]

“Building a Legacy”“Building a Legacy”“Building a Legacy”“Building a Legacy”“Building a Legacy”

“Building a Legacy”

Chapter 67’s Long-Running School Program | A Texas Model for Involving Veterans in Vietnam War Education | Chapter 20 Teaches About the Vietnam War | Oral History for VVA Chapters | The Vietnam Project at McClure | A Call to Action from Pennsylvania Chapter 542

Tout Bon: VVA’s 18th Naitonal Convention


- Departments
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-Rock On, Chapter 290

-Fifty Years Ago and Today

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8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us