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July/August 2017

In this issue:


July/August 2017 coverCOMMITTED TO COMMUNITY: In this issue we highlight just a few of VVA’s achievements in pursuit of its motto, “In Service to America.” Most of the projects have originated within chapters, some come from state councils and at-large members, and many are the result of collaborations, but all combine creative idealism with pragmatic practicality. They’re also all expressions of love for their community and for their fellow veterans: They saw a need and resolved to make it right. [on the cover]

Committed to Community

Chapter 53: In Service Daily | Texas At-Large: Dedication | Chapter 910: Final Salute | Chapter 1108: Mavericks & Quilts | Chapter 1071: Remembering the Forgotten | Chapter 972: Veterans Mobility Corp | Chapter 542: Field Cross Detail | West Virginia State Council: Rain & Thunder | Chapter 20: Pride & Maintenance

-FUNKY BANDS & HAUTE CUISINE: Crescent City native Randy Fertel goes beyond Bourbon Street in his walking guide, historical short course, and utterly biased restaurant review of the real New Orleans in advance of VVA’s National Convention.

Photo: George TolbertSALSA FOR VETERANS: VVA’s West Virginia State Council sponsored a vivacious evening of Latin Music and dancing with mambo legend Tito Puente, Jr., and Rafael Ortiz—an active-duty Army sergeant conceived of the fundraiser as a way to give back to Vietnam veterans.

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- Departments
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-Sibling Ceremony: Barry County (Missouri) Chapter 1023

-Barney’s Destroyer:
Col. “Barney” Barnum honored
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VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us