Vietnam Veterans of America
The VVA Veteran® Online
November/December 2015

In this issue:

This issue of The VVA Veteran features a series of articles that provide a wide-ranging look at the remarkable and unique body of Vietnam War literature. Arts Editor Marc Leepson introduces six Vietnam War literary figures, who provide their own unique insights into the written legacy of America’s most controversial overseas war. [on the cover]

The Vietnam War Literary Canon | REMFs, Pogues, & Housecats: The Rear Echelon in Vietnam War Fiction | Tim O’Brien’s Literary Love Letters | Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: A Magical Incantation | Seeing Into the Lives of Others: Teaching Vietnam War Literature | War Writer: Extricating Oneself from Vietnam | Wild Geese: How I Became a Storyteller

LAM SON 719: They Started the Whole Damn War Over Again. American troops still in Vietnam at the beginning of 1971 inhabited a strange place. The South Vietnamese were supposed to be taking over; large-scale operations by U.S. troops had nearly stopped. You could almost believe the war was ending. Then came new pandemonium in the prohibited zone of southern Laos…

PROGRESS IN PENNSYLVANIA: Chapter 542. The past year has been a vigorous one for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Chapter 542. A surge in membership, several successful fundraising campaigns, and wide-ranging community service all dovetailed to make it a memorable time for the chapter.

Special Web-Only FeatureSPECIAL WEB-ONLY FEATURE: Veterans Day 2015
VVA officers and members attended ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The VVA Veteran had already gone to press, but photographer Lee Bac Phan and associate editor Jake Schuessler provide exclusive online coverage. [article + slideshow]

©Lee Bac Phan©Lee Bac Phan©Lee Bac Phan©Lee Bac Phan©Lee Bac Phan

Reading the Names
in Philadelphia
VVA Chapter 732: Coordinated Help for Homeless Veterans
The VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
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