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Directors’ Reports, September/October 2019

Region 1

I’m writing this report after hand surgery using the peck method, so it will be short.

Chapters across the region have been busy from Connecticut to Maine. The replica Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project in New Bedford, Mass., led by Justin Latini is coming along. It received a major donation of $50,000 from the VFW post in West Springfield, but still has a long way to go in fundraising.

The National Convention in Spokane went well. The resolution to consider VVA in some form in the future passed; now the real work begins to figure out how.

That’s it for now. Be well and carry on.

Region 2

Congratulations to the Officers and Board members elected during VVA’s 19th Convention.

The Convention seemed to have everything a person could want: good food, good company, great entertainment, plenty of little green motor scooters, good food, excellent weather, the big red wagon, friendly people, and a nice city with good food.

On the Convention floor the parliamentarian decided to join VVA. The delegates voted on having the Officers and BOD investigate a name change with the idea of opening up membership. The proposed change will be presented to the delegates at the 2021 Convention.

Region 2 had 93 delegates, including VVA’s 2019 Member of the Year, Ned Foote. He is a member of New York Chapter 253 and has been part of VVA since its founding. Even during his surgery and recovery from liver cancer caused by hepatitis C in 2010, he carried out his duties as New York State Council president without missing a beat. He has attended all nineteen VVA National Conventions. During the Afghanistan and Iraq wars Ned visited amputees at Walter Reed Military Hospital. Ned is a nationally recognized expert on prosthetic leg development. He has used one for fifty years.

VVA’s 2019 Chapter of the Year is New Jersey Chapter 899. Well deserved.

Some Upcoming Dates: The New York State Council will meet September 27-28 at the Tioga Hotel in Nichols. The New Jersey State Council will meet October 6 at the Senior Community Center in Bordentown. The Pennsylvania State Council will meet October 12-13 at the Ramada Inn at State College

I would like to share an email I received from Gold Star Mother Judy Campbell, who is working with Delaware Chapter 83.

As a Gold Star Family Member since 1967 and a Delawarean since 1974, I was disappointed by the lack of awareness about Gold Star Families in Delaware. I was traveling to D.C., Pennsylvania, and Virginia for Gold Star events. Then I connected with VVA Chapter 83. 

I boldly went to one of their meetings, years ago, applauding them for all they do, but bringing awareness that nobody in Delaware did anything for Gold Star Families. VVA Chapter 83 changed that immediately!

Since the inception of their Gold Star Program we have had Gold Star Galas, Hometown Hero Banners, a Gold Star Highway dedication, a Gold Star Memorial Dedication at the beautiful Delaware River Bay Authority Veterans Memorial Park, and the greatest pride is the Gold Star License plate. They couldn’t get plates for Gold Star Families, because Vietnam veterans had been waiting four years for a plate and there was a moratorium in place. That didn’t stop them. Senate Bill 33 was turned into Senate Bill 201 affording Gold Star Families, Vietnam veterans, Iraq veterans, Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club, etc. a plate. Afghanistan veterans have since been added.

Someone recently said to me, ‘Before VVA Chapter 83’s Gold Star Program brought awareness to Gold Star Families, nobody ever recognized them. Now folks are afraid not to.’ Thank you, Vietnam Veterans of America!

Every war has a history, every war comes to an end, but never should any war be forgotten.”

Region 3

I would like to thank the Region 3 delegates at the National Convention for their support. It has been my honor to serve you, and I will continue to do my best over the next two years.

I’ve heard some rumbles—even threats to resign—by a few who were disappointed by the passage of a resolution directing the Officers and Board of Directors to investigate changing our name and opening membership. I would encourage all to take a deep breath and chill. Although the Convention delegates passed this resolution, no binding decision on the future of VVA was made. This discussion is not over, and the matter will come before the delegates to the 2021 Convention in Greensboro, N.C. VVA is still a vibrant, active organization that does wonderful things to help veterans, their families, and their communities.

VVA and Region 3 continue to grow. Tennessee has chartered a new Chapter 1140 in Franklin with ninety-seven members. Another group in Greenville has fifty-five members ready to submit their paperwork, and Terry Yates, Tennessee State Council President, tells me a chapter may be forming in Gatlinburg, too.

I have, with the concurrence of the Region’s State Council Presidents, appointed Rossie Nance, North Carolina State Council President, as Alternate Regional Director. I will remain Vice Chair of the National Finance Committee and Chair of the Budget Oversight Subcommittee.

This will be a busy year on the national level. In addition to the above-mentioned resolution’s charge to the Board and officers, there are several matters to keep our eyes on:

  1. How VA writes the implementing regulations for the Blue Water Navy Bill and the lawsuit regarding the geographic area covered
  2. Implementation of the MISSION Act
  3. Agent Orange presumptives

The Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee was told in March that a decision on additional AO presumptives would be announced within ninety days. We’re still waiting. If you have candidates for federal office wandering around your neighborhood, you might ask them about this.

Of interest, a bill introduced in April called the Keeping Our Promises Act, HR 2200, contains the following: “PROHIBITION OF COST AS FACTOR.—Subsection (b) of such section 1116 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: “(4) In making determinations for the purpose of this subsection, the Secretary may not take into account the costs to the United States relating to paying compensation under this section pursuant to such determination.”

The 2020 Region 3 Conference will be held at the Doubletree in Annapolis, Md., March 19-21. More information will be available in the coming months.

Region 4

It is difficult to believe that another Convention has come and gone. Thanks for the support you have given me in the last two years and the trust you have in me to be your Regional Director for another two years.

All states in Region 4, including Puerto Rico, sent delegates to the Convention. Alabama had the largest delegation. Jorge Pedroza, President of the Puerto Rico State Council, received the VVA National Commendation Medal, the organization’s highest award. Congratulations, Jorge. You earned this medal.

Marc McCabe, VVA’s Department of Veterans Affairs Bureau Chief and Regional Director of St. Petersburg, was honored as VVA Service Officer of the Year. Thanks, Marc, for all you do to help veterans get their benefits.

The State Council E-Newsletter of the Year was presented to the Florida State Council. Mike Bousher, Florida State Council President, is the publisher; David Treffinger, President of Chapter 1059, is the editor, and Ray Breault, Florida State Council Treasurer, is the webmaster for the e-newsletter. 

Chapters 1084, 1036, and 1048 received National Membership Growth Awards. Way to go, Florida. Two years in a row and continuing to grow. 

Our regional get-together was well received and is an event we need to continue. We are working to have another the first of next year, but I’m not yet sure about the time or place.

Now is the time to start planning to attend the National Leadership & Education Conference in Dayton, Ohio, July 14-18, 2020. That may sound like a long time off, but it is less than a year. Traveling to Dayton will be easier than getting to Spokane or Palm Springs.

Thanks for all that you do for VVA. Let’s have another great year. Contact me at 912-285-9553, 912-387-6551, or vvagsc@aol.com

Region 5

The dust has settled from the 19th National Convention. The delegates have given us a new direction. Region 5 will play an active part in determining this new direction. The Region 5 Caucus was a spirited event, to the point that we saw all the candidates on Wednesday night and did not need to have a caucus on Thursday. Cliff Riley is the Deputy Director for the Region.

Here are the upcoming state council meetings: Illinois, September 27; Ohio, October 19; Indiana, November 16.

Thank you to the Region for your vote of confidence.

Region 6

As you read the articles in this issue about the 2019 Convention, you can see VVA will be changing. The Officers and Board members now have a job to complete and to be ratified by the delegates at the 2021 Convention. I would like to thank all those who attended the Convention, as well as those who stepped forward to run for the different positions.

I have been Region 6 Director for the past two years. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you. I was reelected (unopposed) for another two years. Region 6 has several individuals in national leadership positions. They are:

Board of Directors, At-Large: Dottie Barickman, John Margowski, and Dan Stenvold

Region 6 Director: Robert Grabinski (Mike Demske, alternate)

Committee Chairs: Maynard Kaderlik, Agent Orange; Tom Hall, PTSD & Substance Abuse; Richard Lindbeck, Credentials; John Margowski, Resolutions; and Dan Stenvold, Convention Planning

State Presidents: Greg Paulline, Iowa; Roland Mayhew, Kansas; Bob Grabinski, Minnesota; Charles Stapleton, Missouri; Tom Brown, Nebraska; Dan Stenvold, North Dakota; Jack Dean, South Dakota; and Richard Lindbeck, Wisconsin

Start thinking about when, where, and what topics you would like covered at the next Region 6 Convention. Thanks for all you do for veterans and VVA.

Region 7

With the Convention behind us, Region 7 delegates can talk to members about VVA’s future direction.

The president of Chapter 553 in Gretna, Louisiana, is responding well to medical treatment and is recovering nicely.

On August 24 the Louisiana State Council held its annual Family Fun Day. Louisiana seafood was served, along with drinks and entertainment.

At Spokane, Angola Chapter 689 Chapter President Danny Sermon received the Incarcerated Veteran of the Year award. Angola also was named Incarcerated Chapter of the Year. Timothy Bray received the AVVA Fellowship award. He has been paroled and we look forward to presenting the award to him at our next state council meeting.

The next Texas State Council meeting will be held in Allen on October 18-20. In addition, the Mark W. Stiles Correctional Unit in Beaumont will hold its anniversary banquet.

The next Oklahoma State Council meeting will take place October 4-5 in Oklahoma City at the Saddleback Inn & Suites.

Starting January 1, any veteran with a service-connected disability, no matter what rated percentage, will be eligible to use all military base commissaries and post exchanges. This will affect more than three million veterans. This will include all Purple Heart recipients, former prisoners of war, and primary caregivers of wounded or injured veterans.

Region 8

On behalf of the state of Washington and Region 8, I would like to thank all the delegates who attended VVA’s 2019 National Convention. I would like to list some of the region’s contributions.

Gil Calac and Soy Redbird presented an impressive Native American song and prayer during the Opening Ceremonies, and Washington State Director of Veterans Affairs Lourdes “Alfie” Alvarado Ramos made a presentation. Calac and Ramos received the VVA National Minority Affairs Veterans Diversity and Leadership Award in recognition of the excellent work they do for veterans and their families.

Region 8 delegate and Idaho State Council President Bob Seal provided the delegates with an excellent report from Working Group I. Beverly Stewart, President of the Montana State Council, received the VVA Commendation Medal.

John Cooper served as our Convention Representative and worked with Meeting Planner Wes Guidry to ensure a successful Convention. A special thanks to VVA staff and election officials for a job well done. The Washington State marshals did an outstanding job executing their responsibilities.

On August 3, the Fifth Annual Welcome Home Veterans event was held at Ande Mitchell’s property. All the food, entertainment, and displays were provided without cost to veteran-guests. Thanks, Ande and Lucy, for again hosting nearly three hundred veterans and their families.

Region 9

In the last issue of The Veteran I wrote that Chapter 1139 was on the big island of Hawaii. That is not so. Chapter 1139 is actually located on the Garden Island of Kauai. My apologies to the chapter for the error.

With the Convention behind us, I encourage delegates to take time during your next state council meetings to describe it for those who did not attend. Mention the amendments and resolutions, speakers, and awards. Speak of the committee meetings, the regional caucuses, the election, the reception, and the banquet.

I want to thank the delegates from Region 9 for reelecting me Director. I will continue to help the region’s state councils and chapters have a great VVA experience. Region 9 had 101 delegates at the Convention.

Since the Convention, I have attended state council meetings in New Mexico, California, and Colorado. The Colorado State Council received the State Council of the Year at the Convention—a well-deserved award.   

Chapter 996 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, continues to work on getting a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial placed at Angel Fire. Visit the website, https://www.vietnammemorial.net/ to learn more about the project.

The National Board of Directors meeting in October will include VVA orientation sessions for the Officers, Board members, and State Council Presidents.

Membership in VVA continues to grow. Reach out to your fellow Vietnam War veterans and invite them to join Vietnam Veterans of America and become life members. You can contact me at dsouthern@vva.org


I would like to thank the delegates for their abundant questions, spirited debate, and energy during the National Convention. Taking a position on which direction we want the organization to go took much thought and consideration. The majority has been heard. Now we have a long, winding road to discover what is best for VVA and other veterans.

I also would like to thank those who had faith and confidence in my past performance to elect me to a third term. I am honored to serve veterans by seeking improvements while acknowledging our accomplishments.

Misinformation abounds after elections. As leaders, we must work to minimize mistrust. Knowledge is power, but we often see resistance to change. Adequate training for the Officers, Board Members, and State Council Presidents would be a good start.

Transparency within VVA is a work in progress. Drive and self-motivation are key to uncovering what is perceived as lack of transparency. The documents on the VVA website, such as BOD minutes and motions and the Constitution, contain a wealth of information. Several years ago I asked why the annual 990 tax form was not posted on the VVA website. With that simple question, the 990 is now posted annually.

Leaders must continue to blaze the path by example to hold the organization to a higher standard. We are entrusted to be the face of Vietnam Veterans of America and embrace change and strive for constant improvements.

Please feel free to contact me at drbarickman@hotmail.com or dbarickman@vva.org or 712-314-1808.





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