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May/June 2019

In this issue:


May/June 2019 coverMATTHEW LESKO, THE ‘FREE MONEY’ MAN: Asking the Right Questions You’ll recognize Matthew Lesko as the in-your-face guy on television wearing the ridiculous question-mark suits and telling you where freebies from the federal government can be had. Bill Triplett describes the mission and philosophy of the quirky Vietnam veteran. [on the cover]MATTHEW LESKO, THE ‘FREE MONEY’ MAN:

John OlsonNO ORDINARY CHAPLAIN: Father Aloysius McGonigal, the subject of one of John Olson’s iconic photos of the battle for Hue, received only passing mention in Mark Bowden’s powerful book, Hue 1968. We asked him to pen a fuller picture of the man.

2019 VVA Candidate Statements

Photo: Weston-Wells ECLECTIC ENERGY: Artist Oliver Lee Jackson
The National Gallery of Art is currently featuring an exhibit of recent paintings by Oliver Lee Jackson, who may well be the first Vietnam Era veteran to have a major exhibit there.

LOVING SPOKANE: A Visitor’s Guide Guide to VVA’s Convention City Loana Hoylman penned this walking guide to VVA’s next convention city, Spokane, Washington—a beautiful and walkable city with many good places to eat.

Parting ShotParting Shot



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University of Florida Smathers Libraries
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New Set of Wheels:
Memphis LZ Chapter 875
  Advocacy: VVA Arizona State Council president Gene Crego
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VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us