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Veterans Health Council Report, March/April 2021 -   -  

Surviving Prostate Cancer

Veterans Health Council logoMore than three million American men, including myself, have survived prostate cancer. As an 18-year prostate cancer survivor, I know first-hand that a prostate diagnosis is frightening for men and their loved ones. But you can beat this disease with early detection and learning about treatment options.

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer among Black men. We suffer the highest death rate, too. Later-stage diagnosis and treatment disparities are among the reasons that the death rate is more than twice that for White men.

Black male veterans should become familiar with the Prostate Health Education Network, which has led the fight against prostate cancer in Black America since its founding in 2003. PHEN provides online educational resources that can help you and your loved ones find out what you need to know about early detection, treatments, and clinical trials.

This information helped me as a survivor. I encourage you to check it out at www.prostatehealthed.org Knowledge is your best defense against prostate cancer.


VHC Deputy Director Rebecca Patterson will present “Toxic Exposures During Military Service: A Role for Occupational and Environmental Medicine Physicians” at the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine’s 2021 American Occupational Health Conference to be held May 2-5. During the one-hour presentation Patterson will describe some of the most common exposures, and explain how physicians and other health care providers can help veterans gain access to quality health care.





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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman