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Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, March/April 2021 -   -  

Abnormal Convention Planning

The April AVVA board meeting will be held online. The hotel in Silver Spring is still closed, and other hotels in the area are not operating at a capacity that would support in-person meetings. Additionally, most airlines are not operating with normal schedules, which makes travel more difficult. Our first priority is the safety of our members. We must be careful a little while longer to protect each other.

Convention planning has taken a turn as well. We are looking at the serious possibility that we will not be able to hold the convention in the normal manner. The AVVA board has decided to create a Plan B that will prepare us to hold our convention either in person (if a miracle happens) or online, and make it successful in either case. This is not going to be easy, but we are committed to working it out.

As soon as we know for sure how the convention is going to be handled, we will post details on our website and will send emails to members who are signed up for the AVVA Flash Notice email list. You can also check http://www.avva.org/convention.html for updates. If you are not on our Flash Notice email list, you can sign up at “Subscribe to Our National Information Emails” at www.avva.org/news.html

The convention dates may change, and deadlines for delegate and convention registrations are likely to be earlier than normal, so stay informed. Contact your Regional Directors for information.

Remember: If you will be a delegate or an alternate delegate, there are two forms to fill out: the Delegate Registration Form and the AVVA Convention Registration Form. Send them to the addresses on the forms. Do not submit any AVVA member convention registrations on a VVA form. The AVVA convention registration forms will not be published until we know dates and details.

Please continue to follow the AVVA website for convention details. You can contact your state representatives/presidents and your regional directors with questions at: http://www.avva.org/statechapter.html or http://www.avva.org/region.html

Your board of directors in working hard to make sure the business of this organization gets done well and properly in these very odd times we are all living through.

We cannot say it often enough: Wear masks and stay safe.




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8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 | www.vva.org | contact us


Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman