The VVA Veteran® Online

July/August 2016

Gateway Chapter 776: Welcome Home

Gateway Chapter 776

On May 21 Scott County, Iowa, Gateway Chapter 776 members Edwin Hildebrand and Arthur Heydeman participated in a Veterans Welcome Home Parade. The parade started in downtown Rock Island, Ill., crossed the Rock Island Centennial Bridge, and ended at Veterans Memorial Park in Davenport, Iowa.

More than forty groups took part in the parade, which was led by a combined honor guard from Quad Cities Chapter 299 and Chapter 776. The U.S. Navy Marching Band from Training Support Center Great Lakes took part, as did the color guard from the Marine Corps Detachment at Rock Island Arsenal.

Photo: Lee Bach PhanGateway Chapter 776:
Welcome Home
Photo: Lee Bach PhanTestimony from the Proud but Forgotten
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