The VVA Veteran® Online
July/August 2013

In this issue:

LEFT BEHIND: Honoring Native American Veterans. Bill Triplett describes the effort spearheaded by Florida’s Seminole Tribe to have a statue erected on the National Mall honoring American Indians who have fought in all of America’s wars. [on the cover]

GREAT STRIDESGREAT STRIDES: The Partnership Between VVA and the Seminole Tribe. VVA Senior Service Officer Marc McCabe recalls the obstacles he faced providing outreach to the Seminoles. Justifiably suspicious, tribal leaders became much more welcoming when McCabe began filing and winning claims.

Arlo Guthrie, ©Michael KeatingVVA’S 16TH NATIONAL CONVENTION: The Hosts, and Awardee. Host chapters 1046 and 1059 have done much to benefit veterans and their local communities. We profile them, along with Arlo Guthrie—of “Alice’s Restaurant” fame—who will be honored with the President’s Award for Excellence in the Arts.

GREGORY PERILLO: Fulfilling a PromiseGREGORY PERILLO: Fulfilling a Promise. Bob Hopkins profiles artist Gregory Perillo, and explains how an incident that occurred in New York City in the 1960s led to his donation of 42 paintings to the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Tornado relief in OklahomaEVERYTHING AND THE KITCHEN SINK: Household Goods Donation Program Helps Oklahoma Tornado Victims. When the devastating tornado ripped through the Moore, Oklahoma, VVA’s Household Goods Donation Program and Value Village Thrift Shop in Oklahoma City came to the rescue.

The Three Servicemen South Memorial in Apalachicola, FloridaA CRAZY IDEA: The Three Servicemen South Memorial in Apalachicola. How an ambush in Xuan Loc led to Apalachicola, Florida, becoming to be the only other memorial site to incorporate Frederick Hart’s iconic “Three Fightingmen” statue.

David Bonior’s Speech To VVA’s Founding Convention.
The VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
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