The VVA Veteran® Online

January/February 2016

Photo: Mokie Pratt Porter

Angola Awards

Incarcerated Chapter 689’s annual Veterans Day Banquet at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola was a huge success last year. It included the most impressive array of VVA awards ever given to incarcerated members. Tony Joyner (see article on his work in the July/August 2015 issue) became the first incarcerated member to be awarded the VVA Commendation Medal—the organization’s highest award. He also received the VVA Achievement Award, as did Danny Sermon and Bill Kissinger. Danny Miles was honored as Incarcerated Member of the Year, and Chapter 689 as Incarcerated Chapter of the Year.

Angola Awards: Chapter 689’s Veterans Day Banquet Amdur to the Rescue:
White River Junction, VAMC
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