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Vice President’s Report, July/August 2024 -   -  

Important Info for Chapters and State Councils on Ceremonial Rifles and Static Displays

The Tank-automotive and Armaments Command at the U.S. Army Armory Unit in Detroit recently contacted VVA about M-1 rifles and static displays such as helicopters, tanks, and trucks that it has leant to VVA state councils and chapters over the years to use in static displays and for military funerals, parades, and similar events. The command told us that they had learned that VVA has a plan to dissolve by 2028, and offered to help facilitate the return of the rifles and display items, which would then be loaned to other organizations.

Although VVA does not have a plan to dissolve by a specific date, that day will be coming in the not-distant future. And when it does, the rifles and static displays will have to be returned to the Army. That stipulation is spelled out in the contracts that state councils and chapters signed with the Army when they received the equipment. The contracts stipulate that if a recipient disbands and its tax-exempt status is automatically revoked, or the recipient no longer wishes to keep the donated property, or the rifles are no longer used for ceremonial purposes, written notice must be given to the Army, which would then provide disposition instructions.

The Army sent a list of VVA state councils and chapters that have been provided rifles or other static equipment over the last several years. We believe that many chapters may not be aware of the contracts. And we have been advised that some chapters are allowing the weapons to be used for hunting, which is not their intended use.

The VVA Membership Department is checking the list to determine if the chapters that received the items are still active. We will distribute a list of chapters soon that, according to the Army, have weapons or static displays. You should know that the chapter—not VVA National—is responsible for returning these items in good repair. The Army has requested that we provide them with a current list of chapters to facilitate the return of their equipment. They likely will use that information to contact individual chapters.

Since my last report about predatory law firms and claim sharks, I have learned that Maine has joined New York and New Jersey in adopting new laws to protect veterans from predatory companies and from agents not accredited by the VA who take advantage of veterans applying for claims.

Claim sharks will promise you the moon on your claims. They may deliver in some cases; however, they will usually fail to tell you they will take 30-50 percent of your settlement as payment and will take a share of any future increases in your claim. VVA strongly supports the proposed congressional GUARD Act, which would provide safeguards from claim sharks and unscrupulous law firms.

These firms charge outrageous fees for their work. Accredited veterans service officers, such as VVA’s VSOs, do the same work for free. The New York, New Jersey, and Maine laws prohibit unaccredited entities from receiving compensation for helping veterans with claim benefits. Bravo to these states for their efforts to protect veterans.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman