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Government Affairs, July/August 2024 -   -  

Our Unrelenting Push for Legislative Change for Veterans and Their Families

Since my last update, the Government Affairs team has made significant strides zealously advocating for legislative change for veterans and doing intensive strategic planning and research. We have actively engaged with stakeholders and pursued many initiatives to improve the quality of life for those who have served.

To strengthen the team’s capacity, the Government Affairs Department in Silver Spring has recently added Michael Fimmano as our Legislative Administrative Assistant. His experience, most recently as the American Public Transportation Association’s Legislative Representative, has bolstered our ability to manage increasing legislative and advocacy work demands.

The Government Affairs team has been diligent in fostering relationships with members of Congress and their legislative staffers. We have developed and delivered 19 letters of support and have gone from office to office to discuss VVA’s key legislative priorities. The Hill is taking notice.

Our legislative focal points at this point in time include the Major Richard Star Act, which is awaiting a floor vote; the Molly R. Loomis Research Act, which will finally provide answers on the intergenerational effects of toxic exposure; and the recently introduced Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act, which would reform and improve the delivery of VA healthcare, benefits, and services for veterans, their families, and their survivors.

Other initiatives we have been working on include the reinstatement of the 48-Hour Rule, reform of the HUD-VASH program for homeless veterans, and reforms to provide financial security for the families of veterans incarcerated.

As for research, the Government Affairs team has drafted a paper on ambulance service fees for rural veterans. We’re also working on burn pit use before the Gulf War and a paper on Agent Orange exposure at Fort Ord. And we’re investigating asthma in Vietnam War women veterans, reviewing the merits of establishing an alternate lapel pin to quash attempts to modify qualifications for the Gold Star, as well as preparing a paper on Blue Water Navy dioxin exposure.

Despite election season being around the corner, the Government Affairs team’s research and legislative advocacy efforts will not relent. We will continue to push legislation already introduced and will lay the foundation for new legislative and regulatory changes in the 119th Congress.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman