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Directors’ Reports, July/August 2024 -   -  

I would like to thank VVA President Jack MacManus for being a guest on Veterans Voice Network Radio, a national broadcast show I co-host with Gregg Brasso. He joined us for a lively discussion on VVA’s future and the tasks ahead, the ongoing challenges he faces with Parkinson’s treatment, and the research on that front being done through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. His appearance was informative and well appreciated.

In Region 1, state councils laid wreaths, posted flags, and held ceremonies along with local chapters on Memorial Day. From Maine to Connecticut, in town halls, at local parades, and motorcycle runs, we paid honor to the those who gave all for their country and thanks for giving up their tomorrows so we could have another day.

As the final ceremonies were completed and we headed home, I had the opportunity to meet with a delegation from Ukraine seeking support for that nation’s Tragedy Assistance Program for Providers (TAPS). The TAPS program offers a range of services, including psychological help and humanitarian aid, and plays a role in supporting families of fallen Ukrainian servicemembers, military families, volunteers, displaced children, and children who have experienced the horrors of war.

It was an especially memorable evening, filled with fellowship and sharing. Members of Massachusetts Chapter 207 were present, along with our associate members. Not many words were spoken on the bus ride home, as many of us experienced an overwhelming sense of loss. For many, their journeys of remembrance had just begun as we marked forty-nine years since the Vietnam War ended.

State elections were held in June, and we want to thank the Region 2 state officers and directors for their commitment. We need dedicated people like those who stepped up to volunteer their time to help Vietnam Veterans of America succeed.

Memorial Day is a time for reflection and Remembrance Ceremonies were held, with communities coming together throughout the region to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. From wreath-laying ceremonies to parades and heartfelt speeches, we paid tribute to the bravery and dedication of those we lost, and also strengthened our resolve to support veterans who continue to carry the legacy of service.

We are excited to announce that four different replicas of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial will travel through Region 2 this summer. These tributes offer a powerful opportunity for reflection and remembrance, bringing the experience of The Wall closer to home for many.

Here’s the schedule:

  • July 10-15: Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania – The Moving Wall
  • August 8-11: Penn Yan, New York – The Wall That Heals
  • August 28-September 1: Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania – Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall
  • September 18-22: Wappingers Falls, New York – American Veterans Traveling Tribute
  • We encourage all members and their families to visit the memorials when they come to your areas. It’s a chance to pay respects, share stories, and find a sense of peace and connection. Let’s continue to support each other and honor the legacy of our fellow veterans.

    Another year has passed, and Region 3 states are holding elections. This sometimes poses a problem when a long-standing member wishes to step down, and there seems to be no one ready to step up. But, somehow, an answer always surfaces, and a dedicated individual agrees to seek the position.

    In Tennessee, Barry Rice will be stepping down as state council president. He has served many years at the local, state, and national levels in VVA. A handshake and a pat on the back to Barry Rice—your input and knowledge will certainly be missed.

    Maryland seems to be in a similar situation. George Dalke has served as state council president for many years, and we’re still looking for the right individual to run for that office. George Dahlke has done a good job, and we thank him for his leadership. North Carolina President Liz Cannon is running unopposed, and all officers will remain. Thanks to all.

    South Carolina State Council President Sam Brick will remain, I hope, for many years to come. Many thanks to him. Virginia SC President Charlie Montgomery is a cornerstone and is expected to be a permanent fixture for years to come, as well. Thanks to him and to Kentucky SC President Greg Bethards, who is new to the job and sees no future opposition. And West Virginia SC President Dave Simmons is firm and stable in his position. He is a busy president, to say the least. Good luck to him and all the other presidents in the region.

    Region 3 is looking forward to a bright future and we plan to be well represented in Reno at the Leadership Conference in August.

    The VVA Michigan State Council recently held its 20th biennial Convention at the Holiday Inn in Marquette. The arrangements for the Convention were expertly managed by members of Chapter 380 in Negaunee.

    The Convention was attended by many VVA leaders, including President Jack McManus, Vice President Tom Burke, At Large Directors Sandie Wilson and Richard Lindbeck, and Buckeye State Council President Richard Arthur. Michigan State Council officers, including myself, as SC president, 1st Vice President Mike Goodpaster, 2nd Vice President Duke Mayo, Secretary Gary Estermyer, and Treasurer Floyd Carmichael, were officially sworn in by Tom Burke.

    The banquet guest speaker was Medal of Honor recipient James “Doc” McCloughan. According to The Medal of Honor Historical Society, there have been 3,536 MOH recipients, with only 61 still living. Remarkably, Doc McCloughan is one of just seven recipients still able to travel widely to share his experiences.

    The former 196th Light Infantry Brigade combat medic captivated us with a gripping account of the events of May 13-15, 1969, that led to his Medal of Honor. He described how he went without food or water for 48 hours, using his last bit of water to wet a compression bandage for a GI’s gaping wound. If that hadn’t happened, the soldier would have had no chance of survival. During those three days of intense fighting, Doc McCloughan, who had been hit by shrapnel himself, moved from one GI to another, providing assistance wherever he could.

    To commemorate his visit to the Upper Peninsula, Chapter 380 member Vic Romback presented McCloughan with a unique plaque made from a thin slice of lumber salvaged from the old ore dock in Marquette.

    As a prelude to the Convention, Chapter 380 hosted a flag retirement ceremony and ice-breaker at their headquarters in Negaunee. Chapter members cleared out their supply of flags turned in for proper destruction and invited Convention attendees to bring other worn flags as well. Charlie Hawes played “Taps” on the bugle, and everyone was encouraged to dedicate a flag in memory of someone or something special as they placed it on an open flame.

    I hope to see many of our members at the Leadership Conference this August in Reno.

    It is not too early to start thinking about proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments for the 2025 National Convention. Information will be coming out later this year on how to submit them.

    After the Leadership Conference, Region 6 needs to consider holding a meeting either in September or next spring. The purposes of this meeting will be to discuss issues affecting VVA’s future, to address any Region 6 concerns, and to conduct Region 6 business.

    On April 8-9, I attended the Alaska State Council meeting. I had the opportunity to meet with the VSOs and was impressed with their work. The Alaska VVA VSO program continues to gain ground under the leadership of State President Craig Wade, who has increased funding for the program. Chief Service Officer Mark Johnson continues to wisely use the funds to serve the needs of Alaska’s veterans and their families. I also want to congratulate Craig Wade on his re-election as VVA Alaska State Council president.

    The Idaho State Council meeting took place on April 18. I was unable to attend, as I was at the Oregon SC meeting the same day. Congratulations to Paul Sherman, who was elected president. Once again, I want to thank Vern Peterson for the leadership he has provided during his tenure as president.

    I want to thank Montana Chapter 788 for honoring 65 Gold Star family members, for placing 2,600 flags on veterans’ graves at Sunset Hills Cemetery, and for participating in the Memorial Day parade in Bozeman. Helena Chapter 626 set up a rest area coffee stop on Interstate 15, providing travelers with coffee, cold drinks, and pastries during the Memorial Day weekend. I want to congratulate Chuck Renevier for being re-elected Montana State Council president and for serving as our Alternate Region 8 Director.

    During May, I had the opportunity to visit Oregon twice. The first time was to attend and provide leadership certificates to Roseburg Chapter 805 President Bill Duncan, State Vice President Jaycee Newman, AVVA Region 8 Director Jennifer Ellis, and Deputy Director Ruth Feliciano. I also presented a certificate from VVA President Jack McManus, recognizing the chapter’s 25th anniversary of serving veterans and their families. Additionally, Chapter 805 President Bill Duncan, along with chapter members Ed Goodman and Bill Mixon, met with Sen. Ron Wyden to discuss the funding and construction of the Veterans Home on the Roseburg VA campus.

    I returned to Oregon to attend the SC meeting on April 18 in Lebanon. The meeting was well attended, and new leadership was elected as Jaycee Newman replaced Bill Fleming as president. Congratulations to Jaycee, and thanks to Bill for the fine work he did while serving as the state council president.

    Skagit Island, Washington, Chapter 1109 President Ande Mitchelle and his membership supported and were involved with a well-attended and successful April 19-20 Stand Down in Mount Vernon. A variety of health and well-being services were provided to attending veterans and their families. Spokane Chapter 879 President Michel Routt served as a guardian helping veterans on a Northwest Honor Flight. The chapter is also active in recruiting new members by hosting a Monday breakfast and having five fundraising events during the year.

    Several Washington chapters were involved with Memorial Day events, including Edmonds Chapter 423. I was honored to be invited as the keynote speaker at the Tulalip Tribal Community Memorial Day program. Region 8 plans to be well represented at the VVA National Leadership & Education Conference in Reno. We look forward to being with our fellow veterans and AVVA members. Peace.

    The National Leadership & Education Conference at the Silver Legacy Resort Casino in Reno is just around the corner. Since this event is being held in Region 9, I am looking forward to a good turnout of our members. The Leadership Conference is always a great place to learn how to be a more successful state council, chapter, and VVA member. Your newest members, especially those looking to take on leadership roles, should be encouraged to attend. Your newly elected leadership should also participate in the Conference.

    With a membership of more than 11,000 in Region 9, it is a challenge to stay in touch with the state councils, chapters, and members, but I make every effort to do so. Visiting the state councils is always a very rewarding experience.

    I will continue to advocate for Region 9’s veterans and their families as I attend National Board of Directors meetings and events. One of my goals for 2024 is to have each state council in the region increase the number of chapters in its state. This can be accomplished by active recruiting.

    I pray that you all stay safe and well and check on your buddies. Get back in the habit of attending meetings, and renew efforts to recruit new members.

    In the meantime, I am available by email at dick.southern@gmail.com for any questions or concerns.




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    Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman