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Send your Locator and Reunion notices to Locator, The VVA Veteran, 8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Or email veteranlocator@vva.org or ddevora@vva.org

The Locator and Reunion services are provided without charge.

The Brooklyn Technical High School Alumni Association is looking to connect with graduates who are military veterans. If you went to Tech and served in the military, please send me your contact info. Contact: John Rowan, BTHS ’63, jrowan6990@hotmail.com

Looking for James Nelms, he was in the 524th QM Co. between 1966-67. I remember he was from Athens, Ga. Contact: Thomas Humphrey, tomhumphrey7@aol.com

Looking for anyone who served at Headquarters Company, 29th General Support Group at Long Binh, Jan. to Sept. 1971. Contact: Izzy Santangelo, 412-225-2910; santangelo527@comcast.net

Trying to locate Capt. Ramon Galindo. He was a navigator on a KC-135 and stationed at Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico. Contact: Paul Caceres, 609-435-6257; cacerespaulj@gmail.com

Searching for anyone who served with the 510th Eng. Co. (Cam Ranh Bay and Pleiku) between 1966-68. Contact: Tom Berends, 715-781-5614; tmberends@yahoo.com or Jack Stodolak, 989-737-0730.

I am looking for anyone who served with the 1098th Trans. Co. (Medium Boat) in Qui Nhon from 1965-66. I was the mail clerk and company clerk for Capt. Richard P. McKenzie, then Capt. Joseph F. St. Amant. Contact: Richard Christian, runrich75@hotmail.com

Looking for Navy medical personnel and Marines from the First Hospital Co., 1st Marine Div., Chu Lai, 1966-67. Contact: Tom Doubt, know.doubt.268@gmail.com

Searching for someone who piloted or flew from Da Nang to an aircraft carrier, or flew the Grumman C-1A Trader during the Vietnam War to carriers. Contact: Joy Dery, deryja@yahoo.com

Looking for anyone who served at the 500th MI Group between 1968-70 at Ford Island, Hawaii. Contact: Dave Loop, dave.loop1944@gmail.com

Vietnam War Marine Corps 3rd Bn., 5th Regiment India Co., 1967-68, Squad Leader Michael Chiarado is looking for Chuck Cooper and Tim Martin from Illinois, Lee and Brooks from Alabama, and any other Marines from the unit. Contact: Michael Chiarado, 219-252-8998.

I’m looking for anyone who served with Delta Med, 3rd Medical Bn., 3rd Mar. Div. in Dong Ha 1967-68. Contact: Clarence Day, clarncyboy@aol.com

Looking for Hospital Corpsmen from Newport Naval Hospital. 1968-69, Greg Thomlinson, Steve Thunell, Frick, Joe Bassitt. If you are out there, I’d like to hear from you. Contact: Bob Kipp, 269-343-6838; dockipp@att.net

Searching for Roger L. Thompson and Robert Ketcher. They were with Co. B, 2/7 First Cav. Div. They were in the mortars platoon. Contact: Wanye Cox, 217-868-5424.

Looking for anyone who served at Schofield Barracks in Special Services from Jan. ‘63 to Oct. ‘65. We were the few “outsiders” before USAHAW left the building. Contact: Clarence Parrish, cparrish14@aol.com

For an article I am researching on the counterculture in the military during the Vietnam War, I would like to talk with someone who worked on Grunt Free Press magazine between 1968-71. Contact Ignacio Pulido, ignaciopuliofoto@gmail.com

Looking for any veteran who served in Vietnam. I am writing a book and would like to share your stories. Any pictures will be returned. Contact: Dave Keeton, P.O. Box 414 Athens, MI 49011.

Looking for those that served between 1971-73 at NDC Pearl Harbor, Makalaka Gate, especially with Comdr. Ronald Hillenbrand, DDS. Contact: Barbara Young, bredcats@aol.com

Urgently looking for fellow Vietnam War veterans who served with the 9th MAB, 1st Bn., 9th Marines, D Co., aboard the U.S.S. Duluth in 1967. Contact: Clifford A. Banks, mckechnie@netw.com

Looking to connect with John Young, Jr. He was my drill sergeant from February to April 1965 in the Fourth Platoon, C-14-4 at Fort Knox. Contact: John M. Ferguson, jmacferg1@yahoo.com

Looking for anyone who left Ft. Benning with me in July 1965 via train, to San Diego, Calif. to board the U.S.S. Buckner to Vietnam. We were members of the 2/12th Cavalry Div, Airmobile B Co., 4th Platoon. Contact: Freddie Slaughter, freddie.slaughter@sbcglobal.net

Searching for Dean West, a helicopter mechanic who served with MAG 16 in Danang during 1971. I have a message for you. Contact: Jim Cammarata, 623-297-1657; jimcamma@hotmail.com

Looking for anyone who served aboard a ship and restored enclosed surfaces while inhaling “red lead” paint dust & grey paint dust with no protection and experiencing headaches as a result. Contact: Chris Kirhagis, 410-633-9936; mash752@aol.com

I am doing research on the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company. Anyone who has the 1970 Unit History of the 173rd AHC. Contact: Rick Hemi, rickhemi426@aol.com




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman