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Send your Locator and Reunion notices to Locator, The VVA Veteran, 8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Or email veteranlocator@vva.org or ddevora@vva.org

The Locator and Reunion services are provided without charge.

I am looking for Nichols from Beatrice, Nebraska. I believe his first name is Dave. He was in the 2/47 Infantry 9th Division in Vietnam in 1967. Contact: Dottie Barickman, 712-314-1808; drbarickman@hotmail.com

Searching for anyone I served with in the 155th Transportation Co. in 1965-66. Contact: Joseph Sokola, a67gtx@yahoo.com

I am looking for Marines who served with me Aug. 68-69, HQ 4/11, 1st Mar. Div. Hill 34. Contact: Michael Bendickson, michaelbendickson@gmail.com

Searching for Gino, who served with me at USMC 1st Air Wing, Marine Air Group 11, in Danang, Vietnam in 68-69. We both worked as clerks at H&MS-11. Contact: Daniel Beltran, 915-241-8261; dobeltran@sbcglobal.net

Looking for anyone I served with Security Guard in Co. B, 716 MP Bn., in Saigon, Vietnam from June 67 to Dec. 68. Contact: Dennis Murphy, dinmurphy@aol.com

I am looking for Mike Skreen from Chicago. He was with Marines 1st Logistics Group Bravo, Chu Lai, 66-67. Contact: Brian Schindler, crp.brian@hotmail.com

Searching for USMC vets James Thies and Steve Freeman who were CAP 1st CAG, III MAF members, in June 1969 at a village about 1000 meters from LZ Gator. Contact: William White, bboop4@casscomm.com

Looking for Robert Duval from Chipee, Mass. Contact: Kenneth Stottlemire, horseshoekenny@aol.com

VFW Post 4303 is trying to locate officers and men who served with the 101st Airborne, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, Company B, 1st Platoon, on June 13, 1969. Staff Sergeant Donald Chrisie perished that day shielding his men from grenades. VFW Post seeks to upgrade his Silver Star. Contact: John Conti, 732-787-9696; james_mckayLLL@yahoo.com

Looking for anyone who was with Master Sergeant David H. Brown of 3/26, KIA Sept. 10, 1967, particularly Marine Staff Sergeant Marvin Balley, Navy Corpsmen and Marines, at the battle on Hill 48, Con Thien, Vietnam. Contact: Shellee Harrison, 731-607-8395; shelleeharrison@gmail.com

Searching for Arthur Hill, Doug Blanchard, and Conway Lanford. We attended Army Language School at Briggs Field in 1968-69 and would like to get in contact with them. Contact: Tom Smith, tdersmith@gmail.com

Looking for Corpsman Paul Schnabel. We served together in Vietnam with K Co., 3rd Bn., 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Div., 1968-69. He is from Texas. Contact: Leonard Guzman, 860-246-2491.

Looking for any remaining family members of 1st Lt. Jose Ortiz. We trained and arrived together in Vietnam. As far as I know, he is buried in the National Cemetery in San Juan, PR. A sculpture called "Ghost Pilot" will be dedicated to all those pilots who didn't return donated to the Fort Worth Aviation Museum. I would like to find his family so that they may attend. Contact: Zot Barazzotto, 937-313-7003; zot250ameritech.net

Looking for Joseph O'Leary from Wilmington, Delaware, who served in the 604th Transportation Co. in Nha Trang, then later with H troop, 17th Cavalry, First Aviation Brigade, in Pleiku, in 1972-73. We served together in these units. Contact: Andy Karabinos, 479-461-6090; askandynow@gmail.com

Searching for anyone who knew Michael Conrad Roell, who served in C Co., 3rd Bn., 8th Inf., 4th Div., 1967. He died on the day he was a replacement. He single-handedly took out a machine-gun position during Operation Francis Marion during the Battle of Plei Doc. Contact: Edward J. Roell, 112 Broadway, Hillsdale, NJ 07642; ejfroe@gmail.com

Looking for veterans who were sent TDY to Vietnam and/or served with MACV-SOG who have been unable to prove service in Vietnam because their records are missing or have been told they're still classified. My husband served an an Air Commando with SOG in DaNang, and I'm trying to prove service connection for Parkinson's Disease. Contact: Karen Mihalic, khattonmihalic@gmail.com

Looking for those who served in the Highlands from 1967-68 with the Redlegs of 4th Division, 6th Battalion, 29th Artillery. I am interested in connecting my father with those soldiers of his unit. Unfortunately, many of them have passed away. Any help would be appreciated as I try to put the pieces together. Contact: Jeff Carter; drjwcarter@gmail.com

Looking for Edward Raymond Balzer Jr. He served in the Coast Guard in the year 1967. Contact: Shirley Sobus, shirley2cas@gmail.com

Looking for any shipmates who served on the U.S.S. Hector AR-7, R-1 Division, from 66-69. Contact: Norris Long, hdbassman46@yahoo.com

PATHFINDERS. Contact: Robert Fogarty, 304-716-1311.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman