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From the National Chaplain, September/October 2020 -   -  


FATHER PHIL SALOIS, M.S. Full, detailed, and expansive obituaries—
going back to 2009—are online at

Michael D. Addington, 68, New York Chapter 459, died May 20.

Harold Henry Ahern, 69, Pennsylvania Chapter 862, died July 10.

Edward Kaluna Aki, Jr., 84, California Chapter 201, died February 5.

Charles L. Albers, 71, Illinois Chapter 269, died June 19.

Shiela Ann Anderson, 68, Indiana Chapter 295, died April 2.

James George Ashwell, 72, Connecticut Chapter 120, died June 2. 

Ross T. Barbarino, 72, New York Chapter 77, died July 15.

Robert Michael Bartlett, 74, Vermont Chapter 601, died July 3.

Thomas Joseph Berger, 74, at-large Missouri, died June 26. Berger was a longtime veterans advocate, especially in the area of mental health, and the founding executive director of VVA’s Veterans Health Council.

Gordon W. Bidlack, 73, Florida Chapter 1046, died May 8.

Harold Ray Boles, 71, North Carolina Chapter 909, died May 30.

Patrick Lowry Boltinghouse, 75, California Chapter 500, died February 21.

Peter Edward Bouley, 73, Rhode Island Chapter 818, died July 29, 2019.

James Jefferson Bowers, Sr., 79, Florida Chapter 1046, died March 14.

Raymond D. Brindley, Jr., 75, at-large New Mexico, died November 6, 2019.

Steven W. Brownfield, 72, Nebraska Chapter 279, died July 1.

Richard Donald Budzinski, 72, Wisconsin Chapter 101, died July 2.

Thomas George Buehler, 72, at-large Connecticut, died March 15.

Randal Dean Burdette, 69, Kentucky Chapter 1051, died February 8, 2018.

Rev. Jerry G. Bustillos, 72, New Mexico Chapter 358, died June 11.

John Craig Carlson, 76, Michigan Chapter 73, died March 9.

Larry Dean Carpenter, 74, South Carolina Chapter 828, died June 11.

Daniel Milton Carr III, 76, Massachusetts Chapter 116, died July 17.

Erwin J. Cernoch, 90, Texas Chapter, died March 9.

Pamela Jane Charbeneau, 68, Louisiana Chapter 141, died March 18.

Wallace Lee Cheuvront, 73, Pennsylvania Chapter 862, died July 8.

Gary W. Chriscinske, 73, Michigan Chapter 310, died June 13.

David J. Codd, Sr., 70, Michigan Chapter 528, died May 25.

James Richard Cole, 78, at-large Illinois, died April 29.

Jean A. Connolly, 70, at-large AVVA, died July 22, 2013.

Kathleen D. Cormack, 70, Texas Chapter 863, died recently.

Ted Wayne Cox, Sr., 75, Louisiana Chapter 1058, died January 16.

Clark Richard Crain, 68, Michigan Chapter 528, died January 11.

Peter Stanislaus Czelowalnik, 70, at-large Florida, died May 24.

John Thomas Davis, Jr., 70, Florida Chapter 1059, died May 10.

Dennis A. Dibble, 72, Florida Chapter 1048, died July 13.

Richard Anthony D’Imperio, 76, New York Chapter 20, died July 12.

Michael J. Dorio, 79, New York Chapter 49, died July 20.

Ronald James Drewrey, 74, at-large Arkansas, died October 16, 2019.

Roger B. Drucker, 73, Nebraska Chapter 727, died January 24, 2019.

Walter J. Dudek, 79, Indiana Chapter 777, died November 6, 2019.

Barton Mayer Eckert, 75, Maryland Chapter 641, died May 14.

Leonard Eckstein, 72, Wisconsin Chapter 437, died June 25.

Ronald W. Elliot, 74, Delaware Chapter 83, died June 8.

Susan Jean Ellsworth, 56, Tennessee Chapter 2004, died May 18.

Charles Wayne Evans, 74, Georgia Chapter 1082, died May 25.

Richard S. Evans, 73, Pennsylvania Chapter 862, died July 17.

Michael Knowlton Farrell, 73, Ohio Chapter 97, died June 11.

David A. Fentz, 80, Indiana Chapter 295, died May 7.

David Lawrence Fitchpatrick, 76, Florida Chapter 1085, died May 26.

Edward A. Ford, 82, at-large Mississippi, died October 17, 2019.

Brian Evan Garman, 76, at-large California, died July 13.

Rodney Lowell Gaskill, 78, Texas Chapter 1000, died July 5.

Joan A. Gaulin, 70, Rhode Island Chapter 818, died September 22, 2019.

Gregory A. Gick, 74, at-large Florida, died July 17.

John Weaver Glunt, Jr., 84, Kentucky Chapter 454, died May 3.

Don B. Gold, California Chapter 547, died recently.

Ronald J. Goodhart, 72, Missouri Chapter 794, died June 15.

Frederick Gorbatuk Jr., 72, New Jersey Chapter 452, died June 20.

George Darrell Gorsuch, 82, at-large Indiana, died May 29.

Nicholas A. Graziano, 73, New York Chapter 82, died May 6.

George Herbert Green, 72, at-large Florida, died June 3.

Garlen Michael Gruenhagen, 71, Minnesota Chapter 290, died July 4.

Antonio M. Guerrero, 69, Texas Chapter 844, died May 23.

Donald M. Harbin, 73, Tennessee Chapter 1073, died June 15.

Richard C. Hebenstreit, 73, Ohio Chapter 649, died April 21.

Donald Larry Hendon, 76, Tennessee Chapter 942, died June 16.

Jim W. Herman, 69, Wisconsin Chapter 224, died March19.

Steven D. Hickman, 77, Arizona Chapter 1093, died January 19.

Rev. Allen Arthur Hinman, 77, New Jersey Chapter 800, died February 20.

Michael P. Hornick, 77, Pennsylvania Chapter 862, died June 12.

Gerald Clayron Huhn, Jr., 72, Ohio Chapter 717, died March 3.

Willie Jackson, Jr., 77, Maryland Chapter 641, died May 18.

Richard Lee Johnson, 75, Florida Chapter 1040, died April 23.

Hershel E. Junkins, Jr., 73, Maryland Chapter 172, died May 4, 2020.

Debra Kennedy, 69, California Chapter 47, died recently.

Joseph Silas Kenney, Jr., 73, Maryland Chapter 172, died November 10, 2019.

John Kessler, 70, Michigan Chapter 310, died recently.

David A. Knapp, 67, Florida Chapter 25, died recently.

John W. Knapp, Sr., 75, Vermont Chapter 601, died March 17.

David F. Knight, 79, Missouri Chapter 794, died June 12.

James Henry Kowitz, 73, Minnesota Chapter 290, died June 17.

Kenneth Robert LaForest, Sr., 80, Michigan Chapter 154, died July 20.

Kurt Michael Lammers, 87, Ohio Chapter 783, died March 14.

Richard B. Lane, 77, South Dakota Chapter 1054, died July 5.

Paul R. Lariviere, 71, Massachusetts Chapter 207, died May 26.

Gary I. Larson, 75, North Dakota Chapter 150, died June 8.

Ival V. Lawhon, Jr., 61, at-large Missouri, died October 3, 2009.

Richard L. Lewis, 65, Tennessee Chapter 203, died December 17, 2016.

Joseph Edward Lis, 70, New Jersey Chapter 800, died April 11, 2018.

Jeffery E. Long, 69, Ohio Chapter 810, died April 16.

David Kenneth Loomis, 71, Wisconsin Chapter 101, died June 27.

Ronald Clayton Luneau, 72, Louisiana Chapter 1131, died May 1.

Joseph Daniel Malone, 72, Maryland Chapter 965, died April 3.

Leopoldo P. Mares, 79, New Mexico Chapter 358, died February 11.

Joseph Anthony Marra, 70, Michigan Chapter 154, died April 6.

Christopher F. McKee, 71, Ohio Chapter 649, died June 11, 2019.

Frederick Joseph McMahon, Sr., 67, Vermont Chapter 753, died June 4.

Donald J. McNamara III, 68, New Jersey Chapter 12, died March 29, 2019.

Alvin Elmer Meisenheimer, 81, South Dakota Chapter 1054, died July 11.

Dennis Herman Membrino, 75, Pennsylvania Chapter 67, died June 29.

June Adele Miles, 64, Indiana Chapter 295, died May 28.

Joseph E. Miller, Jr., 75, California Chapter 355, died June 3.

Neil Edward Miller, 71, Ohio Chapter 810, died April 25.

Dennis Roy Mozdzen, 72, Michigan Chapter 528, died July 3.

Thomas D. Mudge, 73, at-large Washington, died recently.

Billy Ray Nash, 82, Oklahoma Chapter 751, died June 3.

Alberto Navarro, Sr., 73, Texas Chapter 343, died April 23.

John Michael O’Keefe, Jr., 69, New Jersey Chapter 12, died June 5.

Richard LeRoy Okerlund, 73, Wisconsin Chapter 684, died June 1.

Richard Arnold Overby, 73, South Dakota Chapter 1054, died April 12.

David A. Peterson, 71, Tennessee Chapter 240, died June 4.

Dwight Thomas Powers, 72, New York Chapter 82, died May 21.

Frank J. Rankins, 81, Oklahoma Chapter 751, died August 3.

Rodney L. Raulston, Sr., 79, Texas Chapter 844, died June 28.

Joseph Andrew Reddo, 74, Michigan Chapter 154, died recently.

Gene Ellis Reinbolt, 75, Idaho Chapter 972, died June 6.

Lionel Walter Richard, 77, Rhode Island 818, died December 9, 2018.

James M. Rodriguez, 68, Indiana Chapter 295, died March 25.

Wyman Frank Roeder, 77, North Dakota Chapter 150, died July 18.

Lloyd J. Roering, Jr., 71, Minnesota Chapter 290, died July 19.

Phillip Michael Scanlan, 76, Florida Chapter 1088, died June 15.

William R. Scarlott, 70, at-large New Jersey, died recently.

Dennis Edward Scheffler, 75, Michigan Chapter 267, died March 25, 2019.

Charles Richard Schlemmer, 72, Ohio Chapter 649, died August 5, 2019.

Bradford William Schmidt, 69, Minnesota Chapter 684, died February 17.

Rev. James Emmett Seim, 91, Wisconsin Chapter 351, died December 6, 2019.

Gerald A. Serviss, 72, New York Chapter 77, died July 16.

Richard Lee Sharpless, 73, Maryland Chapter 172, died June 20.

Michael K. Shaw, 73, California Chapter 201, died June 26.

Howard Keith Shepherd, 71, South Dakota Chapter 1054, died June 13.

Dale Kenneth Siebers, 68, Wisconsin Chapter 351, died June 8.

Joseph S. Skrzat, Jr., 74, Pennsylvania Chapter 468, June 15.

Kenneth W. Smith, 77, Kansas Chapter 604, died March 27.

Raymond Francis Smith, 70, Virginia Chapter 1061, died July 4.

Larry D. Snider, 76, Ohio Chapter 55, died June 22.

Carey J. Spearman, 75, at-large New York, died April 12.

Raymond Edward Sprieck, 85, Oklahoma Chapter 751, died April 26.

Dale Arthur Stevens, 75, Florida Chapter 1036, died June 1.

Harley Samuel Stewart, 83, Oklahoma Chapter 750, died June 10.

Chris Dwayne Stewts, 68, Texas Chapter 292, died May 3.

Douglas Roy Ulven, 72, South Dakota Chapter 1054, died July 17.

David Rodney Wampler, 73, Tennessee Chapter 1073, died May 30.

Gary D. Warren, 72, Texas Chapter 292, died May 15.

James Thomas Watkins, 92, Alabama Chapter 864, died July 22.

Stephen Rodney Watts, 73, Florida Chapter 1048, died May 5.

Robert Louis Wetherell, 73, Kentucky Chapter 454, died May 27.

Charles E. Wilson, 67, Kansas Chapter 75, died March 12, 2012.

William H. Zuch, 75, Wisconsin Chapter 221, died February 9.

Roy Allen Zweig, 75, Pennsylvania Chapter 67, died June 11.




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