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Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, September/October 2020 -   -  

Group Exemption Approved


JOANNA HENSHAW, AVVA PRESIDENTWe have wonderful news: We heard back from the Internal Revenue Service in early August that our group exemption application was approved. Now chapters and states that have amended their Articles of Incorporation or their Charters, and that have all of their documents up to date can begin to operate as a 501(c)(3), using the group code. You can fundraise all you want, and the donations will be tax deductible for the donors. If you are an incorporated state or chapter that has not received a copy of the IRS letter, contact me at avva2003@cox.net This was a rather grueling process, but it is finally done. Now, those who want to incorporate can do so as a 501(c)(3) from the start.

You have until September 30 to complete your state and chapter elections, and get your election results forms sent in. Please hold an election so that you are represented. You can elect a representative no matter how many members you have. Send your election results to your state representative or president, and to your regional director. Save a copy for your records and check back with your regional director around the middle of October to be sure it was received. You can find the regional directors’ email addresses on the AVVA website, www.avva.org/region.html If you need information about the extended time frame and process for this year’s elections, click here.

September 30 is also the deadline for incorporated chapters and states to turn in their adopted 2019-20 bylaws. There were two changes that are significant and must be adopted in order to conform with the AVVA national bylaws, as well as to be in compliance with the IRS. Please note that you can use email recorded voting or online meetings on Zoom and GoToMeeting to accomplish this. Contact me at avvajh@cox.net or Bobbie Morris at bobby514@comcast.net if you have questions about online meetings.  

There will be no travel for Board meetings in October or January. We will plan online meetings so that business can get accomplished in as normal a manner as possible. As always, the minutes of all meetings will be posted on the AVVA website. 

Please keep your families safe and don’t give up.




September/October 2020
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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman