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Treasurer’s Report, November/December 2024 -   -  

Optimistic for Fiscal Year 2026

I hope all is well with all of our VVA family as we approach the end of 2024, especially those affected by severe weather events. We witnessed very difficult circumstances in several of our states as a result of two hurricanes. The devastation was widespread and many members lost power and possessions.

VVA National responded by sending emergency funds to Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. We communicated with each state council president and the two Region directors to have a clear picture of the impact on the ground. Many state councils and chapters also donated to help their fellow veterans.

VVA’s finances are doing well. Revenue exceeds budget expectations and expenditures are on track. We had a well-attended National Leadership Conference in August and were able to pay expenses while remaining fully within budget. As we plan for FY 2026, we are very optimistic. The Finance Committee will meet in December and a budget will be presented to the Board of Directors in January, including the plan for revenue-sharing in the coming years.

As we move forward, the Finance Committee will allocate funds and present a plan for them in March 2025 at the January meeting . Only those chapters and state councils in good standing on February 28, 2025, will receive funds. The Board revoked several chapters’ charters because of delinquency in October. An additional list of chapter revocations will be presented at the January meeting. All the state council presidents have lists for their states and are involved in efforts to bring all chapters in compliance.

The VVA Government Affairs Department has been expanded and is working on many issues important to Vietnam War veterans and veterans of other conflicts. I was privileged to present our concerns, along with President Jack McManus and GA staff, on Capitol Hill this fall. I represented VVA at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day.

The National Officers and staff are committed to providing timely and appropriate responses to members’ questions. Please call or email me with any questions or concerns. As your National Treasurer, I seek to serve you to the best of my ability. Welcome Home.




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  VVA logoThe VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman