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Treasurer’s Report, September/October 2024 -   -  

The Latest on Chapter and State Council Dues Rebates

As we near the close of another year, we are preparing for the Fiscal Year 2026 budget, which will begin on March 1, 2025. Our finances so far are good in FY 2025. Revenues have met expectations and expenditures are within projections.

However, we have a new issue for next fiscal year since the funds set aside for dues rebates are no longer sufficient to fully fund or continue our current program of helping fund chapters and state councils. We have formed a team to examine our options and present them to the Board of Directors. The team consists of the members of the Finance Committee and the four National Officers.

The team met during the Leadership Conference in Reno and looked at options we might present to the Board of Directors at the October meeting. Since the funds set aside for the distribution of the dues rebates are not sufficient to continue the program as it is currently structured, another source of funding must be allocated if we continue the program.

Part of our process involves deciding how much of whatever funding we locate will be distributed to chapters and state councils. The current formula provides for nine dollars to the chapter and two dollars to the state council from the rebate account. As the Dues Rebate fund is depleted, this program of giving to the chapters and state councils – what we are referring to tentatively as “Revenue Sharing” – will have to conform to the reality of our next source of funding.

In a related initiative, the VVA Membership Department is in the process of verifying the membership rosters of all chapters and state councils. This verified number will be the basis for allocating all funds, and we ask each member, chapter officer, and state council officer to help with this verification process. The verified member number is important because it will be the multiplier to determine how much each chapter and state council receives. We take this process seriously, as dues rebates have been a critical funding source for many VVA programs.

As the Finance Committee, National Officers, and staff prepare the budget for the next fiscal year to present to the Board of Directors, the amount available for Revenue Sharing will be part of that process.

My role as National Treasurer is to inform members about our current financial situation and alert them to issues we are facing. If you have any questions about any issue, I welcome all communication and will respond respectfully and expediently.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman