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Government Affairs, September/October 2024 -   -  

The Fight to Honor the Promises Made to Veterans Continues

As the chair of the Government Affairs Committee, I want to share what we are working on to support you and your fellow veterans. Our goal is simple: to make sure that the sacrifices you and your families have made are recognized and respected, and to ensure that you receive the care and benefits you deserve.

First, we are fighting to protect the honor and status of the Gold Star for the families of those who die in service to the nation. The Gold Star is a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice, and it must remain a sign of respect for those families. We have reached out to the Secretary of Defense, letting him know that we want to lead a group of veterans organizations to make sure the Gold Star stays a symbol of honor.

We are also pushing hard for the Molly R. Loomis Act (H.R. 3909/S. 3958). This bill, backed by Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), as well as Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), would allow the Department of Health and Human Services to study how toxic exposures have affected the children and grandchildren of veterans. Many of us worry about how our service might have affected our families, and this bill is an important step toward getting answers and help.

We have also been active in our attempts to remove the twelve nautical mile limit under the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act. Currently, this limit prevents many Navy veterans who served offshore during the Vietnam War from getting the healthcare they need for illnesses related to their service. We are working to change that so all Navy veterans can receive the benefits they deserve. On top of that, we are talking to the Secretary of Defense about improving water purification systems on current ships to protect our sailors today and in the future.

We are also keeping a close eye on what’s happening in the Senate with the National Defense Authorization Act. Some proposed amendments could make a big difference for veterans, such as the Major Richard Star Act, which would end the unfair tax on combat-disabled veterans who retired with less than twenty years of service. This is an important piece of legislation, and we’re doing everything we can to fight for the act and the benefits it would pass on to you.

We already have had a win on housing for homeless veterans. We successfully pushed the Department of Housing and Urban Development to stop counting disability pay as income when veterans apply for housing. This change means more homeless veterans will be able to get the housing they need. But we are not done yet. We are working to make this change permanent by supporting the Housing Unhoused Disabled Veterans Act (H.R. 8340), which is waiting for a vote in Congress.

While we have made progress, there is still a lot to be done. And we cannot do it alone—we need your help. Please go to the VVA website, where you can find contact information for your senators and representatives. Reaching out to them with your support for these issues makes a big difference. Every phone call, email, and office visit helps us push these important changes forward.

Together, we can make sure that our country honors the promises made to those who served.

Your voice matters, and with your help, we will keep fighting for the rights and well-being of all veterans and their families.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman