The VVA Veteran® Online

January/February 2013

Resolutions Committee


DICK SOUTHERN, ©Michael KeatingFor a member to gain support for a proposed resolution, he or she should get the support of a chapter or chapters, then take the chapter-supported resolution to the state council in the appropriate state. Remember to present the proposed resolution in a clear and concise manner.

A chapter should take its resolution to the appropriate state council and present it in a clear and concise manner. Once the resolution has the endorsement of the state council, other chapters throughout the state should be contacted. The more support you gain for your chapter resolution, the greater the possibility it will favorably come out of the relevant national committee or the committee hearing at the National Convention.

A state council should gain the support of the chapters in its state and solicit the support of other state councils. This can be accomplished by contacting other state councils. Present your state council resolution in a clear and concise manner to the Conference of State Council Presidents. It is also advisable to request that the CSCP Resolutions Committee include your state’s resolution with other resolutions that are receiving the endorsement of the state council presidents.


Proposed resolutions must be received or postmarked no later than March 25, 2013. The Resolutions Committee mailing to all state councils and chapters of the package of proposed resolutions with the appropriate committee’s recommended actions for each proposed resolution will take place no later than May 10 by first class mail.

Proposed resolutions must be submitted to the National Resolutions Committee on the official resolution form can be found on the VVA website or may be requested from Sharon Hodge at the national office. All proposed resolutions must be delivered or mailed to Vietnam Veterans of America, ATTN: Resolutions Committee, 8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 or by email to Only proposed resolutions submitted on the official resolutions form will be accepted.

In the next issue of The Veteran: What Happens When Your Proposed Resolution Is Received by the National Resolutions Committee.

Daniel Inouye,
A new flag for
Mid-Michigan Chapter 1047
The VVA Veteran® is a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America. ©All rights reserved.
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