The VVA Veteran® Online

PRESIDENT’S REPORT, January/February 2013

Welcome To The New Year


HERB WORTHINGTON, ©Michael KeatingOn Veterans Day weekend Mariann and I traveled to Washington with our dogs, Tank and Molly. We spent a lot of time at the VVA tent greeting Vietnam veterans. The new tent is gorgeous, and it has the VVA Map of Wartime Vietnam imprinted on it. This was a big hit, especially with the new American Legion Commander who came by. He liked the map so much, I had a copy sent to him.

The New York Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons’ Military Outreach Committee at the behest of Queens Chapter 32 has donated the funds to purchase three flat-screen TVs for the St. Albans VA CBOC waiting rooms. I encourage every VVA chapter to reach out to the Masons as a source of support for their initiatives.

On November 16 I attended a Veterans Day Service on Hart Island, the site of New York City’s potter’s field. Originally a Civil War prison, many Union and Confederate soldiers were buried there and later reinterred in a VA cemetery. While we now try to ensure that veterans are not buried in potter’s fields, many were. This was the first time the city honored them, thanks to the efforts of Council Member Elizabeth Crowley.

Thomas Coughlin Chapter 72 in Brooklyn had its 30th anniversary dinner on November 17. The catering hall was running on generators, thanks to Hurricane Sandy. Mariann and I were very glad to meet many old friends. The late Tommy Coughlin was a personal friend. After serving in the Navy, he came home and went to work for the International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees. When Tommy contracted liver disease, he volunteered as VVA’s Metro Council Director and helped form the Brooklyn chapter. I was particularly proud that the chapter honored Margaret Coughlin and other chapter widows.

On November 28 I represented VVA at the groundbreaking for The Education Center at The Wall. I was introduced to Tulsi Gabbard, who was recently elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Hawaii. She is a National Guard officer and Iraq War veteran. In this issue Jan Scruggs describes his vision for the Center.

On November 29 Rick Weidman, Carl Tuvin, and I met with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the new chair of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Rick Weidman has known the Senator for more than thirty years. We should be able to work closely with him. Vermont was the site of one of the first Faces of Agent Orange town halls, and Sen. Sanders was in attendance. He is a friend of all veterans.

On December 7 I spoke to the Association of County Executives about the value of their county veteran service officers and how they can use our Veterans Health Council. I had spoken to this group a few years ago. One of the members, Judge F.G. “Buddy” Villines, is a Vietnam veteran who suffers from diabetes and other health issues. The last time we met I told him he was entitled to compensation. He was skeptical but filed with his local VSO. He is now rated as a disabled veteran and is a firm believer who spoke to the group on behalf of the VHC. I urge all state councils, chapters, and members to reach out to organizations that can spread the word about the VHC to veterans and their families.

Daniel Inouye,
A new flag for
Mid-Michigan Chapter 1047
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