Resolutions Committee Report, September/October 2013 Convention Update BY DICK SOUTHERN, CHAIR, AND SHARON HODGE The delegates at the 16th National Convention approved the following new National Convention Resolutions by a majority vote: AO-16 Blue Water Veterans Exposure During the Vietnam War: Congress should move swiftly to enact the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act to retroactively reinstate eligibility to blue water veterans for illnesses and disabilities related to the effects of exposure to Agent Orange and other toxic herbicides. AO-17 U.S. Air Force Reserve C-123K Aircrew Exposure, Post-Vietnam: Because post-Vietnam service aboard C-123Ks led to dioxin exposure at about the same intensity as that of ground troops during the Vietnam War, VVA urges the VA to promptly designate the C-123K aircraft used from 1972-82 as Agent Orange exposure sites. Those aircrew and maintenance personnel should be eligible for Agent Orange-related benefits. MA-13 American Indian Veterans Memorial Initiative: VVA encourages Congress to enact legislation to allow placement of an American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian statue at the Education Center of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall. This statue will properly recognize the service and sacrifice of American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian veterans. MA-14 American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians: VVA continues its support for improved services to American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian veterans and their families, as well as promoting increased awareness of the availability of services. WV-7 Women Veteran Program Managers: VVA calls for congressional oversight and accountability at all VA medical centers and VISN directors’ compliance with measures defined in the VA’s 2010 Handbook 1330.01, “Health Care Services for Women Veterans,” as it relates to the position of women veteran program managers. Compliance must be made a performance measure at all VISNs and VAMCs. WV-8 Military Sexual Trauma (MST): VVA will pursue legislation that reassigns complaints of military sexual trauma by service members outside of the victims’ immediate chain of command. WV-9 Military Sexual Trauma Treatment for Guard/Reserve: VVA calls for legislation to allow members of the National Guard and Reserve forces who experience military sexual trauma while on drill or during battle assemblies or annual training to receive care from VA medical facilities at no cost. WV-10 Travel for Veterans Health Care (VHA) Treatment: VVA calls on the Under Secretary for Health to reexamine VHA policy pertaining to the authorization of travel for veterans who have been referred by their mental health clinicians to MST-related specialized inpatient intensive residential treatment programs outside the facilities or VISNs where they are enrolled. Additionally, VVA calls for the provision of travel funds, whether the veteran is an inpatient or an outpatient. HV-12 Extend the Department of Labor Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) Criteria for Veterans Placed in a “Housing First” Model: VVA seeks to amend the eligibility criteria for veterans enrolled in HVRP so those veterans entering into “housing first” would be able to gain access to this training for a period of up to twelve months after placement in housing. HV-13 Support for the Missing In America Project: VVA supports the mission of the Missing In America Project in locating and identifying the unclaimed cremains of veterans and securing a final resting place for these forgotten veterans. HV-14 Support, Oversight, and Accountability of VA Supportive Services for Veterans’ Families: VVA supports the continuation of the VA’s SSVF grant program. Additionally, in order to ensure full compliance with the regulations set forth for this program, VVA strongly urges the VA Secretary to monitor and hold accountable those who receive and distribute these funds to the most vulnerable veteran families. The delegates approved the following amended National Convention Resolutions by majority vote: VB-1 Judicial Review The delegates retired the following resolutions by majority vote: VB-14 Attorney Representation at VA For more information, go to to view the 2013 Convention Resolutions adopted by the delegates at VVA’s 16th National Convention. |
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