Elections Committee Report, September/October 2013 VVA: The Results BY SCOTT DeARMAN, CHAIR What an election yearthe biggest ever. Fortunately, the League of Women Voters of Jacksonville First Coast helped us. League President Angela DeMonbreun recruited and coordinated twenty-six men and women who oversaw the elections, counted ballots, and certified the results. Coordination among the Membership Department’s Eric Harris, Credentials Committee Chair Jim Blount, IT consultant Frankie Pressley, and other VVA staff members was excellent. We used the new membership database and wound up with only five names that did not appear on the delegate sign-in sheets. Within 45 minutes of opening, the line to vote had all but disappeared. The VVA marshals kept everything running smoothly. The committee thanks all of the delegates who participated in the election of VVA’s leaders for the next two years. Thanks, too, to all those who ran but were not elected. VVA needs each of you to continue your involvement in the organization. Best wishes to our new Officers and Board of Directors as you face the challenges of the next two years.
President: John Rowan Board of Directors, At-large (in order of number of votes): Charlie Hobbs, Dan Stenvold, Pete Peterson, Jerry Yamamoto, Richard DeLong, Pastor Toro, Jr., Linda Blankenship, Joe Jennings, Jim Pace, and Joe Kristek. Board of Directors, Regional (by region): John Miner (1), Herb Worthington (2), Sara McVicker (3), Bob Barry (4), Dennis Cohoon (5), John Margowski (6), Allen Manuel (7), Tom Owen (8), and Dick Southern (9).Ω |
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